20 January

Who Knew That Using Carlisle Products Could Be So...Healthy?

For a couple of days this week, I was tasked with attending a Healthcare Facilities Summit in Austin, Texas.  Instead of the run-of-the-mill tradeshow where manufacturers eagerly stand by the aisle hoping to have just a second of a potential client's time, this was more like speed dating for the business world.  Some of the largest hospital networks from around the country were there to talk one on one with companies like us that could make their new projects look better, last longer and do more.  After our (I was invited by one of my awesome colleagues, Janial Mack) discussions with everybody from the folks at NYU Medical to UC – San Diego Health System, we found out that there is definitely plenty of construction  going on in the health care field.  Probably the biggest question that everybody has at this type of event is, “Did I get anything out of this?” True to form, the biggest question I had was a bit more selfish – “You spoke of a $600 Million hospital.  Umm, where is said hospital located and how can I get a piece of that?” One of the most important “take-aways” from the past couple of days was an approach that Janial used during our meetings which was how important a green roof/garden roof can be not only to the aesthetics of a hospital but how they utilize the roof space.  Too many times we look at a hospital at being this sparkling white and sanitized building devoid of color and anything that makes patients feel comfortable.  This approach that a garden roof shouldn’t just be about being environmentally friendly or using up otherwise wasted space, but as a place of healing.  Imagine a person who is suffering from a chronic disease and has to endure extended stays at a hospital or a patient who is in need of continuous rehabilitation or perhaps just the person who needs solace after their husband just underwent a quadruple bypass.  A garden roof can be a haven among the sterile life that lies just within the doors to the facility.  Of course, we at Carlisle make the products that ensure that a roof like this can stay watertight and help protect the integrity of the building, but that’s only part of it.  When we talk with potential clients, one of the first questions we should always try to ask is, “What is this building used for and why are you trying to protect it?”  Yes, we have some great products that help keep air, water, vapor, radon, contaminants, etc. out, but it’s also what’s inside that counts.  Perhaps a $20 Million computer network, a BMW showroom, or maybe a patient who is re-learning how to walk…you just never know until you ask the question.

You might have figured out that this week’s little ditty wasn’t just about air barriers, and I think blogs can evolve a bit (even mine!). Because Carlisle Construction Materials is all about protecting the building envelope with all of our great companies (SynTec, Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing, Versico, Insulfoam, Hunter Panels and Carlisle HVAC), I thought it would be important to include them all, in some way, throughout this blog. As always, if you have any thoughts, issues or questions, please email me at: [email protected].

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