21 April

Why should air barriers meet NFPA 285?

Previous posts have explained NFPA 285 and specific code requirements necessitating NFPA 285 testing.  Sometimes we think that this type of testing is excessive and unnecessary.  The video below was taken of a high school in Michigan where only an air barrier over the exterior gypsum sheathing had been applied.  This air barrier material (by another manufacture) has not been tested in a NFPA 285 assembly.  The material is a synthetic polymer and does not contain any asphaltic properties.  As you watch the video, observe how quickly the fire propagates and the potential harm that could occur to the occupants.  Fire safety is extremely important and having the right air barrier material that satisfies the code will minimize the risks to the building tenants. 

 Would you want this product on your building? YouTube Video

Contact the air and vapor barrier experts at Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing for project specific questions, details and applications guidance. They may be reached at 888-229-2199 or [email protected] . 

For straight-forward information about how new wall assemblies containing plastic foam insulation and combustible weather barriers can meet tough new NFPA 285 standards, please visit fireresistccw.com.

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