25 May

ASTM D4541 Adhesion Test Explained

The Air Barrier Association of America recommends many test methods to evaluate air barrier installations and set minimum standards for product performance and field installations.  ASTM D4541 measures the pull-off strength (or adhesion) between a membrane and substrate. 

Test components include a portable pull-off adhesion tester (pressure source) and pull stubs (dollies or pucks) that are adhered to the membrane. 

To perform the test, connect the pull tester to the dolly.  Engage the pull-off adhesion tester to slowly pull the dolly away from the substrate until something breaks.  A valid test breaks one of these layers:
The membrane (cohesive failure)
The bond of the membrane (adhesive failure)
The substrate (substrate failure).

Go here to watch the how-to video.

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